
RMA Feature Focus: Performance Grouping

October 26, 2017

What are Performance Groupings? 

This under-explored feature of the RMA shows you what exists in each standard performance group filter and also allows you to build custom performance filters. Performance Grouping sits in the middle of the blue folders in the bottom left-hand corner of your screen:

What are “custom” Performance Groupings?

Custom Performance Groupings are groupings built by you to better classify performances in ways that your organization might find useful. Some examples might be:

  • Content
    • Family Friendly
    • PG-13
    • Adults Only
  • Difficulty Level
    • Accessible/Well-known
    • Intermediate
    • Challenging
    • Inaccessible/Difficult

How do I build them? 

It’s very easy to build these in the RMA. First determine what you want your grouping to be. Let’s use our content example above. The first thing you’ll do is open your Standard Groupings and right click on “Production Season” then click copy grouping.

It will now show up as “Copy of Production Season” under Custom Groupings. Next you will right click on “Copy of Production Season,” select “Rename Grouping,” and name it with your new category.

The name will change to your new grouping name. Right click on that and “add new category to grouping.”

This is where you will build your different categories. Repeat for as many categories as you have.

Once you have created all of your categories, it’s a simple process of finding the productions and dragging them into your new categories. Go through the list of productions in your new custom grouping, open them up, and then select all the performances on the right and drag them into your new category folder.

In this example, I’m highlighting all the Cirque de Soleil performances and dragging them into “Family Friendly.” Now there are 0 performances in Cirque de Soleil and 50 in Family Friendly. You can delete the original production category with 0 performances in it, if you’d like. Repeat this process until everything is categorized correctly.

When you build a new report, your custom filter will now show up under performance groupings in the choose filters tab. You can now use these to examine those groupings of performances in any RMA report.

Won’t this take a long time?

Maybe, but if you find yourself often building these groupings from scratch from the standard ones, it may save you time in the long run to invest in building them.

We want you to know the RMA really can be quite customizable to make sure you can run reports easily with data categorized in helpful ways. Please reach out to us if you’d like suggestions on custom groupings that could work for your organization, or assistance in building them.